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Music Conducted By
Jerry Goldsmith
Orchestrations By
Arthur Morton
Recorded By
Performed By
Album Produced By
Lukas Kendall
Film Score Monthly
FSMCD Vol. 4, No. 8
Previous Release(s)
Year Of CD/Film Release
Running Time
Limited Edition Release
Room 222
1. Theme (2:13)
2. Pilot (4:03)
3. Main Title (long) (1:33)
4. Flu (3:12)
5. Main Title (short) (1:05)
Total time: 12:15
Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies
6. Main Title (2:12)
7. The New Wrinkle (2:17)
8. A New Plane (4:48)
9. Packin' Up (3:29)
10. Off to Monument (2:23)
11. Ace Eli Rag (1:33)
12. No Pony (2:11)
13. Ace Eli Theme (1:06)
14. First Fare (1:16)
15. Thrill a Minute (2:05)
16. Night Talk (1:31)
17. No Escape (1:42)
18. An Act of Frustration (1:35)
19. First Flight (3:00)
20. No Lover (1:54)
21. Final Flight (4:46)
22. End Title (0:56)
Total time: 39:02
Ace Eli Bonus Material
23. Who's for Complainin' (2:33)
24. Boy Flier (3:14)
25. Ace Eli Theme (demo) (1:33)
26. No Escape (incomplete stereo mix) (1:44)
27. Ace Eli Theme (damaged stereo) (1:06)
28. Pig Sloppin' (damaged) (0:45)
29. Rejection Game (damaged) (2:20)
30. Final Flight (damaged stereo) (4:46)
31. Revised End Title (damaged) (2:12)
Total time: 20:19






Eli And Rodger Of The Skies/Room 222
More obscure Goldsmith rarities
from FSM. This time all of the composer's contribution to the
Fox TV series Room 222, theme and incidentals totalling 12
Goldsmith's famous theme, heard here in its original form, makes
for an intimate listen highlighting recorder and guitar.
The main feature is the score
to a minor Spielberg story from 1972. Goldsmith's usual Americana
is for once ignored in favour of the 70's pop scoring style of
the time. Even the flying sequences go for a Rag Time approach
rather than Blue Max spectacle. This all makes for an
unremarkable but nonetheless interesting alternative to the composer's
usual approach.
As always FSM provide a tremendously
well packaged disc with detailed history on the movie and score
and packed with a wealth of detail that would have normally remained
unknown. Sound is a mix of impressive spatial stereo and clean
mono cues. Bonus material includes songs and alternates.
Expanded review to follow.