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Music Conducted By
Jerry Goldsmith
Orchestrations By
Arthur Morton
Recorded By
Bruce Botnick
Performed By
Album Produced By
Jerry Goldsmith
Varèse Sarabande
VSD 5469
Previous Release(s)
Year Of CD/Film Release
Running Time
Normal Release
1. Angie's Theme (3:32)
2. Shopping (1:21)
3. Family Life (1:20)
4. The Museum (2:32)
5. Two Bells (2:34)
6. Thais (Massenet) (4:21)
7. We're Having a Baby (1:07)
8. The Prognosis (3:28)
9. The Journey Begins (2:27)
10. Something Better (3:52)
11. It Ain't Easy (3:02)
12. He's Alive (3:07)
13. Angie's Theme (reprise) (1:22)






As much as Jerry Goldsmith
seems to excel in any genre he works in, after all he is the
'musical chameleon', ask him what kind of movies he prefers to
write for and a film like Angie will probably be the response.
There seems to be nothing more rewarding for the composer to
delve into a human drama, and write a score of a more intimate
nature, than making the score manuscripts go black with notes.
However, as good as these scores are, they don't often travel
as well on soundtrack album, or get much of a mention compared
to say an action score. Ultimately they often become an exercise
in presenting and adapting a very good theme.
Goldsmith's sentimental score to Angie is much in this
tradition with a light but memorable folk like theme heard chiefly
for Accordion, and ably supported by unobtrusive keyboards. Here
Goldsmith has created a winning melody, with a somewhat European
feel to it, that oozes warmth and perfectly captures the feisty,
but sensitive nature of Gena Davis' heroine. However, once established
it's called upon for the remainder of the score with only minor
changes leaving the listener with a feeling of repetition. To
be fair, Goldsmith does compensate with some latter cues though.
Most notably the best of the album; The Prognosis, creating
a wonderfully melancholy piece for strings. While Journey
Begins introduces the theme to some mobility.
Ultimately though this is about another well written theme from
the Goldsmith cannon that gets a thorough workout over the playing
time of the score. And providing you like it, then you'll enjoy
this album. Noteworthy is Varese's CD package, which has a note
from the director and extensive session photography, clearly
revealing the enthusiasm Goldsmith had for this project.